Monday, January 20, 2014

Overuse of the word "the" can be little harmful

After such a wonderful weekend when it has been sunny throughout the two days, it always feels refreshing to start your week. So, when I woke up early in the morning just to realize a little foggy out there. I was a little sad but there was a little hope that sun will be out there in sometime. Then, I had my cup of tea and picked up my daily newspaper of Times of India and as I flipped the newspaper, I came across a wonderful article, "Overusing ’the’ is a common mistake - but it can hit your career hard". True, isn't it? Often, we as writers use 'the' so much in our sentences to specify something that it tends to confuse the audience.

Consider this sentence:
In the opinion of the stakeholders in the ongoing session, the company's emerging strategy should include a keen focus on the woman consumer who will spark the next quarter's anticipated growth.

And, now consider the following sentence:
Stakeholders think company strategy must focus on woman consumers—they will spark growth in the next quarter.  

Are you able to identify any difference in these two sentences? The second sentence seems to be more appropriate as it is short and crisp, and it will get your audience’s attention immediately. Short and crisp sentences are always easier to be read and understood by the readers. But the irony is the many of writers use the article, ‘the’ more than often in order to sound more serious or to be more convincing, and some feel if we use ‘the’ too much then we would sound more learned. Rather, it makes the learner more nervous and your writing appears to look shabby and flabby.

So, in order to be more appropriate and make a strongest impact among your audience, you must use the word, ‘the’ cautiously before your audience totally rejects whatever you have written.

Enjoy Writing!

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